[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Starting from Friday 25 June, at the Museum Diocesano di Massa it will be possible to visit Stories of clothes and devotion Precious gifts from the palaces to the sacristies, a dedicated exhibition to the rich heritage of ancient silk fabrics, gold and silver threads from diocesan churches. The textile kits have been formed over the centuries often thanks to refined gifts: it was in fact a widespread custom to offer wedding dresses or dresses of particular value, as a sign of gratitude for a grace received or simply for devotion. Sometimes these clothes were used to dress the statues, but in many cases they were adapted for the making of liturgical vestments intended to be used during the rite. Sacred vestments and statues' robes, particularly significant for their link with the history of fashion, will be exhibited alongside some portraits from private collections, from the Accademia Belle Arti di Carrara and...
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