Parco Mediceo di Pratolino

Eight open-air concerts in the Medici Park a few kilometers from Florence. Edited by Metropolitan City, Florentine Chamber Orchestra, Orchestra of Tuscany and Music Pool. A day at the Medici park in Pratolino, a green lung a stone’s throw from Florence, in the Municipality of Vaglia, is always a good idea. Even better if an excursion out of town is combined with a tour by an authorized guide to the historical-naturalistic wonders of the park and an en plein air concert. All this is “A music park”, a summer music festival also organized thanks to the funds that the Metropolitan City has invested for cultural activities in the area. Specifically, on the weekends from 25 June to 6 August in Pratolino you can listen to eight music concerts by Orchestra da Camera Fiorentina, Orchestra della Toscana and Music Pool. Before the concerts, guided tours of the park by the Pro Loco di Vaglia, also offered by the Metropolitan City of Florence, for groups of 20 people.